Thursday, April 22, 2010

What He Said

My poor blog. Like millions of other writers, poets, pundits, artists, mommies, entrepreneurs, fashionistas, hipsters, fanatics and lunatics out there, I started this blog with the best of intentions. I wanted to write, and I wanted to connect with others. I still do. But damn, if life doesn't get in the way sometimes. The past few weeks, it's been hard for me to justify spending a few hours a week working on this blog when I have no income. Ofcourse, spending hours cruising Craig's list and local want-ads and sending resumes out to faceless employers in cyberspace hasn't exactly proved fruitful, either. Getting work is always about who you know -- it always has been.

In fact, I did just land a short-term gig for the early part of the summer, through an old friend -- working wardrobe for a big-deal Opera company. I am grateful for the work, and really excited to be a small part of something so big and luscious and grand as the Opera (although frankly, my personal aesthetic is much more akin to small and tasty and scrappy). I hope the divas are nice.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, Head, I think by definition divas are NOT nice. But they might be small and tasty! Yum! :p
